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Our Opinion

This will serve as our first in what we would like to be a regular segment titled, “Our Opinion”, which this week will be devoted to Barry Paschal and Morris Communications and their presumably underhanded tactics that went unnoticed by most of the population. This all started as a result of information told to us … Continue reading


To all of the members of the United States military, their families and loved ones, victims of terror and their families and loved ones, and all others who have made countless sacrifices in the war on terror, especially the members of US Navy SEAL Team Six, thank you, and congratulations on a job well done! 

Our Version Of Snopes

We took some time to sit back and discuss our thread on Barry Paschal’s tantrum while responding to a letter to the editor submitted by a member of the community, in this case, Lee Benedict.  We wondered why Barry Paschal would behave that way when the letter was mostly provable facts and some opinion.  We discussed … Continue reading

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